Foods & Desert

İzmir Kumru Recipe

Discover the Irresistible İzmir Kumru: A Flavorful Turkish Delight

Today, we embark on a culinary journey to explore the delightful flavors of İzmir, Turkey. Our destination? The iconic İzmir Kumru sandwich! Bursting with savory ingredients and unique textures, this local delicacy has captured the hearts and palates of countless food lovers. Join me as we dive into the recipe for İzmir Kumru and uncover the secrets behind its irresistible allure.

From the bustling streets of İzmir emerges a sandwich that has become a culinary legend. The İzmir Kumru is a symphony of flavors, featuring succulent sausages, aromatic sujuk, tangy pickles, juicy tomatoes, and melted kashar cheese, all nestled between two slices of toasty bread. Every bite is a harmonious blend of savory, spicy, and tangy notes that will leave you craving more.

But what sets the İzmir Kumru apart is not just its exceptional combination of ingredients. It’s the love and passion that goes into its creation, passed down through generations. As you follow along with this recipe, take a moment to appreciate the rich culinary heritage of İzmir and the vibrant culture that inspired this iconic sandwich.

So, my fellow food lovers, are you ready to embark on this culinary adventure? Join me as we unlock the flavors of İzmir and indulge in the sheer deliciousness of İzmir Kumru. Let’s gather our ingredients, roll up our sleeves, and get cooking. Get ready to savor a taste of İzmir right in your own kitchen!

The Origins of Kumru

Legend has it that the İzmir Kumru dates back to the 1960s when a street vendor named Mustafa opened a small stall near Konak Square. He wanted to create a sandwich that captured the essence of İzmir’s rich culinary heritage, and thus, the Kumru was born.

How To Make İzmir Kumru? (Kumru)

Recipe by Sema AynourCourse: Izmir FoodCuisine: Turkish FoodDifficulty: Easy


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Cooking time




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Now, I thrilled to share with you my recipe for İzmir Kumru. This delightful sandwich is a popular snack from İzmir, Turkey. It’s incredibly tasty and easy to make. So let’s get started and satisfy our cravings!


  • sujuk

  • sausage

  • 6 pickles

  • 6 tomatoes

  • kashar cheese

  • ketchup

  • mayonnaise

  • bread


  • Slice the sausage and pickles. Heat some oil in a pan and roast the sausage slices until they are cooked.
  • Chop the sujuk into small pieces and add them to the pan. Continue cooking until the sujuk is heated through.
  • Cut the middle of the bread and spread some butter inside it. You can either heat the bread in a toaster or in a pan until it becomes golden and slightly crispy.
  • Chop the tomatoes and place them along with the pickles inside the bread.
  • Add the roasted sujuk and sausage to the bread, distributing them evenly.
  • Slice the kashar cheese into thick slices. Place the cheese slices in the pan and cook them for a few minutes, just until they start to melt. Be careful not to overcook the cheese.
  • Once the cheese has melted slightly, place it inside the bread on top of the other ingredients.
  • Pour ketchup and mayonnaise over the melted cheese.

Recipe Video


  • Choose high-quality ingredients: To achieve the best flavors in your İzmir Kumru, opt for high-quality ingredients. Look for fresh sausages, sujuk, ripe tomatoes, tangy pickles, and good-quality kashar cheese. Fresh and flavorful ingredients will elevate the taste of your sandwich.
  • Toast the bread properly: Toasting the bread is a crucial step in preparing İzmir Kumru. It adds a delicious crunch and prevents the sandwich from becoming soggy. Make sure to toast the bread until it’s golden brown and crisp on the outside while remaining soft on the inside.
  • Experiment with condiments: While the classic İzmir Kumru recipe calls for ketchup and mayonnaise, don’t be afraid to get creative with the condiments. Consider adding a dash of spicy sauce, garlic sauce, or your favorite condiments to enhance the flavors and personalize the sandwich to your liking.
  • Don’t overcook the kashar cheese: When melting the kashar cheese, be cautious not to overcook it. The cheese should be heated just enough to melt and become gooey. If you cook it for too long, it may become rubbery and lose its creamy texture.
  • Balance the flavors: İzmir Kumru is all about the balance of flavors. The combination of savory sausages, spicy sujuk, tangy pickles, and creamy cheese should create a harmonious blend of tastes. Taste as you go and adjust the amounts of each ingredient to achieve the desired balance that suits your palate.
  • Serve immediately: İzmir Kumru is best enjoyed immediately after assembly. The warm bread, melted cheese, and fresh ingredients combine to create a delightful culinary experience. Serve it right away to ensure you savor the sandwich at its peak.
  • Get creative with variations: While staying true to the traditional İzmir Kumru recipe is fantastic, don’t hesitate to get creative and add your own personal touch. You can experiment with different types of sausages, try alternative cheeses, or even incorporate additional veggies for added freshness and crunch.

End your Journey with a Scrumptious Bite of İzmir Kumru

Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of our İzmir Kumru journey! I hope you enjoyed discovering the flavors and traditions behind this beloved Turkish sandwich. Now, it’s time for the grand finale – taking a bite of your homemade İzmir Kumru and experiencing the explosion of flavors that await you.

So, grab that deliciously toasted bread filled with succulent sausages, spicy sujuk, tangy pickles, juicy tomatoes, and gooey kashar cheese. Sink your teeth into the layers of goodness, and let the symphony of flavors dance on your palate. Close your eyes and let your taste buds transport you to the vibrant streets of İzmir, where the Kumru sandwich reigns supreme.

Don’t forget to share this delightful recipe with your family and friends. Gather around the table, tell stories, and savor the taste of İzmir Kumru together. Because food is not just about nourishment – it’s about creating memories and celebrating the richness of our culinary heritage.

Thank you for joining me on this İzmir Kumru adventure. I hope it brought you joy, inspiration, and a deeper appreciation for the wonders of Turkish cuisine. Until our next culinary exploration, keep experimenting, keep savoring, and keep embracing the magic that happens in your kitchen. Happy cooking!


What is İzmir Kumru?

İzmir Kumru is a popular Turkish sandwich that originated in the city of İzmir. It consists of a combination of ingredients such as sausages, sujuk (a type of Turkish sausage), pickles, tomatoes, kashar cheese, ketchup, and mayonnaise, all served between slices of bread. The sandwich is known for its savory and flavorful profile.

Can I customize the İzmir Kumru recipe?

Absolutely! The beauty of the İzmir Kumru recipe is its versatility. While the traditional recipe includes sausages, sujuk, pickles, tomatoes, and kashar cheese, you can certainly customize it to suit your preferences. Feel free to experiment with different types of sausages, add additional vegetables or condiments, or even try different cheese varieties to create your own unique twist on this classic sandwich.

Where can I find the ingredients for İzmir Kumru?

The ingredients for İzmir Kumru can be found in most grocery stores, particularly those with a diverse selection of international products. You can look for Turkish or Mediterranean markets, as they are likely to carry the specific ingredients needed for this recipe. If you have trouble finding any particular ingredient, don’t hesitate to ask the store staff for assistance or consider shopping online for specialty ingredients.

Can I make İzmir Kumru vegetarian or vegan?

Yes, it is possible to make a vegetarian or vegan version of İzmir Kumru by making a few simple substitutions. Instead of using meat-based sausages, you can opt for plant-based sausages or other meat alternatives. For the cheese, there are vegan cheese options available that can be used as a substitute for kashar cheese. Additionally, you can explore vegan mayonnaise and ketchup options or even make your own homemade versions. With these substitutions, you can create a delicious vegetarian or vegan İzmir Kumru that suits your dietary preferences.

Can İzmir Kumru be made in advance?

İzmir Kumru is best enjoyed fresh when the bread is still warm and the flavors are at their peak. However, you can prepare certain components of the sandwich in advance to save time. For example, you can slice the sausages, pickles, and tomatoes ahead of time and store them in airtight containers in the refrigerator. You can also toast the bread in advance and reheat it slightly before assembling the sandwich. Just make sure to add the kashar cheese, ketchup, and mayonnaise right before serving to maintain their freshness and texture.

What can I serve with İzmir Kumru?

İzmir Kumru is a satisfying meal on its own, but you can enhance the dining experience by serving it with some delicious accompaniments. Traditional options include Turkish side dishes like stuffed grape leaves (dolma), roasted eggplant salad (patlıcan salatası), or a refreshing shepherd’s salad (çoban salatası). Additionally, you can serve it with a side of crispy French fries or a fresh green salad for a well-rounded meal.

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